Welcome to St. Issac Jogues Catholic School in Hinsdale, IL
Faith-centered Education
St. Isaac Jogues is a Catholic Preschool through 8th grade school and a member of the Diocese of Joliet. The school is proud to have been designated a “National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence” by the United States Department of Education in 2023.
Students at St. Isaac's consistently score within the top 15% nationally and locally in standardized tests, such as MAP and iReady Diagnostic. St. Isaac Jogues also graduates a high number of National Merit Scholars. National Merit Scholars are students who place in the top 1%* of high school seniors nationally. *based on PSAT scores Discover More
Saint Isaac Jogues School relies on the Annual Fund to fully-fund faculty and staff annual and retention bonuses, and partially cover critical school operating expenses.
You can make your donation now: https://www.osvhub.com/sij/giving/funds/2024-25-annual-fund
Thank you for your generosity!
6 sports and 9 extracurricular activities, and still growing!
Preschool-8th grade students attend weekly Mass and participate in faith-forming activities such as faith families, faith rallies all-school rosary and Stations of the Cross.
Of faculty members have higher degrees (Master's and beyond)
Personalized Learning
Enrichment and Intervention offerings allow each SIJ student to receive education tailored to their individual needs
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Registration is open for the 2024-2025 School Year